Freitag, 22. Juli 2011


Es gibt nun in Addis Abeba eine Organisation, die sich für lokale Adoptionen einsetzt. KIDMIA hat zum Ziel vor Ort Lösungen für die verlassenen Kinder in Äthiopien zu finden. Eine Barriere für einheimische Adoptionen sind die Finanzmittel, die über Auslandsadoptionen ins Land kommen:

"There are many international adoption agencies working in Ethiopia but none are actively working in promoting or facilitating domestic adoption. Local orphanages that work with these organizations are reluctant to make children available for domestic families because of the large amount of money that is involved when children are adopted internationally. One particular director let us know in no uncertain terms that it ‘was a survival issue’ as they depended on the money from international adoptions to maintain their institutions." 

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